
Means To Embracing Aging In A Youth-Obsessed Culture

Published November 28th, 2022 by Oldmenadmin

Photo by THIS IS  ZUN

There is much value as you look inside and honor your strengths.

It can be disheartening when you gaze in the mirror and contemplate seeing a younger sort of yourself, but instead, a person with crow's feet and worry lines stares back. Because today's culture values beauty and youth over experience and age, you may have convinced yourself unknowingly that getting older means you will soon be obsolete and marginalized. What can you do to feel relevant and empowered instead?

The key is changing your mindset, staying active in the ways that matter to you, and embracing a positive attitude toward aging.

Six Ways To Embrace Aging In A Youth-Obsessed Culture

Below are some ideas on how you can take up aging in this youth-centric culture:

1. Let Go of Outdated Notions. Do not identify with outdated stereotypes about older adults. You should still be active and involved even if you have hit a milestone birthday. Today, humans stay in the workforce longer and take good care of themselves than previous generations. Over ten years ago, people were more secretive about their ages. Today, many older adults feel comfortable enough to welcome their years to let their hair go gray, demonstrating that their experiences in life are assets, not something to be ashamed of. The archetype of what it means to be older is shifting. As they say, eighty is the new 60.

2. Adjust Your Attitude. Research has confirmed the long-held belief that you are only as old as you feel. Studies have shown that as individuals age, they identify less and less with their accurate ages. Feeling more youthful can have preventive effects against dementia, depression, and more. Feeling able is an essential factor. Studies have found that older people who are active and healthy say they feel younger, while youthful individuals with chronic medical conditions say they feel older than they are. Also, like how you look helps too. 

3. Pop Culture Icons Provide Examples. Today, Candice Bergen, Diane Keaton, Lily Tomlin, Robert DeNiro, and Morgan Freeman star in TV Series and films emphasizing their advanced years, but not as shabby grandmas or grumpy older men. They show that older adults can be sexy, strong, and responsible for their lives. Rod Stewart, Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, and Cyndi Lauper still adjure concert stages, proving that you can be relevant (and a rock star) when you are older. 

4. Have Old and Young Friends. Individuals with friends from various generations tend to feel younger than those whose friends are equal to their age. Younger friends may help you challenge long-held beliefs and try new things. Older friends can serve as good examples of aging gracefully.

5. Notice the World Around You.  Being mindful can help you improve your physical and mental well-being. You do not need to meditate to reap the benefits; spend more time now. All you need to do is be conscious of new things; that puts you in the present and makes you sensitive to perspective and context. When you are mindful, people find you attractive and charismatic at any age.

6. Find Your Passion. Whether you enjoy swimming, gardening, or spending time with your grandkids, embracing what is important can help you feel more youthful. Do not focus so much on your years; focus more on what you love to do.


In Closing

Without a doubt, being young is fun, fast, and exciting. But there is a season and a time for all things. Trying to hang onto the fast lane for too long deprives people of the self-understanding, introspection, and deep thoughts that usually accompany growing older.

Like Clark Boutwell's book on Post-apocalyptic fiction, Outland Exile (Book 1) is a towering tour de force of a novel. It is a cautionary tale for today's superficial, youth-obsessed culture. It chronicles a young woman's heroic journey of self-discovery as she realizes that everything she believes to be real is government propaganda designed to sedate and manipulate the sheep-like populace. A cast of authentic and relatable characters powers the novel. Relentlessly visionary, thematically profound, and impeccably edited, it is one of those rare stories that both entertains and enlightens. Also, it offers a nightmarish glimpse into America's post-apocalyptic future that will imprint with readers long after the last page is turned. In short, Outland Exile is a must-read for anyone who loves speculative fiction.

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