


  • Sep 7th, 2016

    Outland Exile: Chapter 5&6

    The Four Rules With a tingle of excitement, Malila realized Sunprairie could be converted into a decisive stroke against the outlanders. Like most decisive strokes, ...

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  • Sep 7th, 2016

    Outland Exile: Chapter Seven

    Salvation through Work Suarez pronounced sentence upon her. When the portal to Malila’s quarters unlocked, a detail of CRNA guards entered, disarmed her, and ...

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  • Sep 10th, 2016

    Free Read Chapter Eight

    Sunprairie 43.11.0/97_89.13.56/41 Sunprairie Station 15.52.07.local_12_10_AU76 The blackened door lay several meters from the portal, the rebar bent like grotesque writhing snakes. “Sergeant Nelson, is the ...

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  • Nov 23rd, 2018

    The Scorch, eastern Kentucky

    Late Afternoon, 14 November 2059 AD (Seven years after the war and sixty-eight years before the actions of book one, Outland Exile) Jesse had gone up what ...

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  • Sep 10th, 2016

    Free Read: Chapter Nine

    Hecate Nyork, Unity 12.47.11.local_11_10_AU76 Hecate ran down the stone steps of the museum and into the street without looking back, glad that a real ...

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  • Jun 16th, 2015

    Trip to the CORE

    (This is written from the point of view of a new character, William Y. Butler who is an American who has infiltrated the Unity as ...

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  • Sep 11th, 2016

    Chapter Ten: Suarez and the Gray Man

    DUFS Divisional HQ, Nyork, Unity 07.11.43.local_17_10_AU76 The skimmer accepted its passenger and traced a seemingly random pattern on empty streets before entering the S30...

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